Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sweetest thing

Such gloomy day today. The weather i mean. For the past few days, it's neither sunny nor wet. Just cloudy, which is nice because I get to walk under the sun without much sun exposure. (still, never a reason not to slap on sunblock. i learnt that the hard way. yes, i was ones turned into a lobster.)

The cloudiness's great for exercise too. Since the weather has been so nice, i convinced myself to do some indoor exercises just to burn some of those flabby tummy fat of mine. Yeah, no one's perfect. I curse myself, not having slim abs like Jessica Biel.

Anyway, on a more enlightening note (aside from my complains of flabby "spare tires"), i'm trying my best-est with the power of Aristotle persuasive skills i learnt from uni, to persuade my parents for a short summer vacation. Not really summer here in Malaysia since it's the tropics. So far, i'm not really sure that they are 110% up for a holiday since they're busy with work and everything else.

But ya' know... who can really say no for a short break from the city? So, if i'm going, i would be sooooo pumped!

And some pictures to share:
My grandma's famous "Bah Chang". Something like glutinous rice. It was the perfect lunch for a week. Miss it already.
My breakfast yesterday. French toast. Yeah, yeah, it's burn a little bit but i like it burn a little for its crunchiness.
I'm ready for summer!!! Bought the fedora from Malacca previously. Finally get to wear it.
I forgot about this picture. Before i lose it, better upload it somewhere.
Aunty Barbara & Uncle Michael. Miss them loads! Here's their first Malaysian meal for their trip - Chinese food!
And that's some Honeydew jumbo Uncle Michael's having

Here's a little video i absolutely love - from none other than the sexy man himself, David Cook. : )

The Last Goodbye.

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