Thursday, June 30, 2011

Next read

Suspense is all i can say about this book. I finally finished reading it after putting it on hold during my assessment battle. I like the second book [The Girl Who Played With Fire] better because it had a balance of everything. The first and this one was quite draggy i must say. Written by Stieg Larsson, which is unfortunate he died before he could see the success of his books, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest is the third and final book by him which uncovers all the truth of Lisbeth's (main character) past and future. I would like to meet Lisbeth herself, if she exist that is, because she's such an interesting character.

Hollywood is making a movie out of the trilogy and i'm hoping and praying that they wouldn't ruin the magic Larsson had put into the story. And please, oh please pick the right cast to play the characters. Two weeks ago, i saw an alternate book cover for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and hoping i am wrong about this, showed the people playing Lisbeth and Mikael (also another main character). The female's fine. But the male ruins the, or at least my imagination of how Mikael is suppose to look like.
(click on the book titles to read its summary - i wouldn't want to write a summary here because i don't want to be responsible for being a spoiler which i am prone to ruining it)

As sad as it is, it cannot compare to the current book i'm reading - Angela's Ashes. It's just so heartbreaking and at times, i felt like jumping into the book and help or punch the characters. Unlike Larsson's book, Angela's Ashes is a non-fiction and it's actually a memoir of the author himself - Frank McCourt. Also deceased, he tells a story of his miserable and sad childhood during the 1930s.

Right: My "walrus moustache". xD
Have yet to reach the end and see what happen to young McCourt; i am currently taking it slow with this one because of the frustration i have with Malachy, good-for-nothing drunken bastard / father, every single time which always leaves me wanting to bash him up myself.

Oh! There's a movie on this book too, back in 1999.

I have 2 other books i want to read, The Kite Runner and Remarkable Creatures. I saw it during my visits to the book store and i feel like killing myself now for not remembering what is it about or why i even wanted to read it.

A few people have asked me, how do i choose what books to read. Well, honestly, i'm not sure really... I guess, it's up to the book itself to capture my attention. With a little flip to the summary and if interesting enough, i read the last page of the book (it's a habit), and then decide whether to take it to the counter or not.

Anyway, do you have any recommendation of what books i should read next? Let me know... :)

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