Friday, June 17, 2011

Red code

Image credited to Yvonne.
I'm in love with the colour red. Besides the fact that my nails are red now; red car, red hair, red shoe, red lips, red everything, i absolutely adore! Yes, my current craze is definitely a bold, fiery, and sexayyyyyy..... statement!

It's good to be back here, rambling bout' random things again. Done with my current semester, and i couldn't be happier. Things have been hactic-ier than i expected. ("Hactic-ier", is that even a word?) Lecturers are crazy with assessments after assessments like as if, printing and paper doesn't cost a cent. And you may think paying a price of a "down payment house loan" for a degree program was only it. Wait till you see how much an average student spend on assignment printing. Well, no one said degree was easy, or cheap!

Putting that behind me now, i'm focusing on spending one-hack of a holiday. Whatever it may be, sleeping till the afternoon, living up to my name-badge my bestie got me - "couch potato", or just lying on the floor staring at the fan going round and round; i'm definitely putting my brain to rest, not rust, just rest. : )

The past months has been tiresome, yet awesome. My sister's finally married! (Woohoo to that - more man-candy for me to look at. Hahaha.) I can't believe a year-planning, whooshes past in ONE day! Aside from that and the fact that i was so "fortunate" to breathe 4 a.m. air on a Saturday morning, everything else has been crazy (in a good way) and amazing. Things when off as planned. Food was great. Laughter was irreplaceable. Sister was beautiful (as always). New-gained brother was handsome (*cough*). And sharing it with family and friends was just another icing-on-a-cake.

The "couple".

I'm posting up more pictures than usual to make up for the month long lack-of-updates. Sorry...:-
My storyboard. Featuring bff and her BF.

What more can i ask for? 2011 has definitely been good to me... and my family.

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