Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dum-dum sushi

I love sushi. And that is a fact. I remember queuing for almost half an hour for it. Just think of the satisfying burp of approval in the end - it's worth it. Honestly, i am not much of a fan of raw food. I hardly touch raw vegetables and i never order sashimi (raw fish) at the restaurant. I hate the fishy tangy taste of it. Weird coming from someone who claims to love sushi? Yeah, i thought so too. Same thing how i love pizza but dislike cheese. Anyway, these photos were from my sis's birthday dinner. I think she's forgotten about these pictures - otherwise she would have chase the hell out of me to upload them. Didn't take much pictures that night. My interest was on something else quite obvious.

Here are the rest. ( :

Ok. Gonna shower and pack my bag for class tomorrow (after this Glee episode first. how nice if there was a TV in the bathroom huh?).

P.S.: Oh! Known as the photography newbie, this was the very few rare occasions where i used manual focusing. My apologies if some are out of focus.

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