Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hi everyone. Busy, busy week is it?

Well, luckily for the weekend, we can all sit back and relax a bit.

Just got back from a short but happy picnic with my (seriously) very long-time friends. Knew some since highschool, while some when i was only 7 years old. And i'm 20 going on to 21 this year! Am i old or am i old?
Don't answer that!

Stumbled upon a very unlucky accident (more unlucky for my friend), where i wish i could reverse and make sure it never happen, but unfortunately, i am no Stan Lee's creation nor J.K Rowling's, with super-awesome powers / magic. I felt so bad and sorry for her but in a way; i thank God that it was a damage car and not anything or anyone else. Although of course, the car was as important for it being my friend's precious possession.  I hope everything settles smoothly with the car and everything else, Joyce. 

Individual shot. Joyce's pic is too cute. Don't be jealous.
Damn, i just realize they all look so fair! Why am i not as fair as them??! *cries*
Pretty cupcakes from Bisou. We are cupcake freaks. :]
Vitamin of the day.
Why the long face?
Actually like the sequence of the picture. x)

As you can see, the weather was nice and sunny but for us Malaysians, overly sunny. So, we migrated to a desert place to cool ourselves down.

Can't really remember the name of the desert nor the desert place but a description will do won't it?
This one's a iced vanilla drink. Tasted like vanilla ice cream.
Oh my.... this one i really can't remember. T.T
Hong Kong style mango pancake.
Sweet potato with rice ball in ginger soup.
Mango ice cream with mango. Duh!

On an unrelated note, loving my hair right now. I tried this new shampoo by Sunsilk and i'm loving the results. My hair is so soft and silky after washing. : )  Bye.

Weekend rewind:
Katy Perry - Not Like The Movies.


  1. awww!!! the shots are so adorable!!!
    but where's the picture of you?
    and arg... you caught me with my various faces! LOL

  2. xD that's because i prefer being behind the camera.
