Monday, February 7, 2011

Just another soul searching herself

"Fashion comes and goes, but style is forever" - a famous quote from the legendary Yves Saint Laurent. God bless his amazing soul. Anyway, a girl (and sometimes guys as well) will somewhat another find themselves searching for their personal style. Even i am still experimenting with clothes. My style change faster than any kind of light. Lately, i'm in a dilemma (a dilemma i don't mind facing compared to other "adult" problems, namely - financial, work, etc).

I walk in a boutique that look fabulous from the outside, grab some clothes that catches my eyes, try it on, and be totally turn down by it. It either doesn't fit me or it just looks horrendous on me. Sadly, it's true. Which got me thinking, if it fits me that bad, am i really looking for the right kind of clothes? I'm no Rumi Neely or Kate Moss.

Just another soul searching herself (in every way possible).

Currently i'm looking up to someone who either we love or hate. Vanessa Hudgens. Her style isn't something the Fashion Police will talk about but i find her style kinda cool, laid-back, and something every girl can pull off easily. Personally, her career stopped the moment High School Musical wrapped. Her singing career was just another achy breaky heart one hit wonder. And her other movies are less-than-appealing. Remember Bandslam? But.... i'm not here to raid about her life.

I'm on a mission to find my own style (with a little inspiration from Vanessa) while searching for the perfect bridesmaid dress too.  (:

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