Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It's like discovering it for the first time - hazelnut. Pretty darn random. I spent almost 2 hours trying to peel these nasty little things. Mid way through (and less than half packet later), i gave up, switch on my mighty computer, open my homepage, and type in, "How to peel hazelnuts". Thank you god and everything in its name of Google, it saved my fingers and nails. Turns out a little time in the oven help to remove the skin easier. I wonder why no one ever told me that. Oh, and hazelnuts have this heavenly aroma that made me forget the pass 2 hours.

So yeah, i baked cookies today. (And no, you can't have some because you didn't help me wash the dishes - yes, i'm talking to you!) For those who requested for "special" cookies - sorry, you gonna eat whatever i make or else i'll have to report you to SPRM. *you know who you are* :P

Stumbled upon today:.

Happy Prosperous Chinese New Year y'all!


  1. ME wanna some..can i can i???...and how's my dad shift?? (not sure i spell it correctly or not)

  2. haha! yeah, it works well! :) super exited for tomorrow!

  3. blaaahhhh~
    no! i want them cookies!!! cookieesss~ coookkkiiieeeessssssssssssssccoooookkkkiiiieessssscoooookkiiiieeesssss
    don't care, i am coming to your house 2mrw!!! don't say i didn't warn you! mwahwahhuahahahaha
