Thursday, January 13, 2011

From dusk till dawn

Spring cleaning! That's what the store room needs now (Yes, mom. I'll clean my room before Chinese New Year). Aside from chasing dust bunnies away, my quest to find the perfect university dilemma is finally over. Ok.... my chosen choice may not be my definition of "perfect" but it'll have to do for now. I still have my scholarship to settle. I'm hoping i get it so that it'll be less burden for my parents.

Funny thing is, after i quit my job last week (yes, i spilled the beans to my boss right before lunch), it feels like nothing really happen in the past 3 months. November and December that is. I realized the only reason why i stayed so long at the *job* was only because i'm actually earning some money. What did the wise old man used to say? "Don't be blinded by money"??? Okay, there's no real wise man that said that (i made it up) but it's true, right? If you don't keep your priorities straight, you'll end up losing yourself and doing slavery jobs and getting cuts on your finger almost everyday and having sore back every Wednesdays and Thursdays!

Maybe (just maybe) i'm complaining too much. But who really is there to judge when the only person who knows what i really been through are the people who really went through it? And yes, they all quit as well.

A  n  y  w  a  y  s  ,  i'm planning to spend one quarter of my salary on shopping and treating my family. I'm not stingy, okay... I just grew up to be a woman who likes saving. Boo me all you want.

One of the few fond memories in the office. Tau Fu Fa for lunch! While reading Vogue magazine (Yes, that's a LV ad)
My no-food-after-8pm rule was broken that night.
On my way to register for uni.

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