Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Coffee Break

I know i haven't been updating lately since last Saturday. My deepest apologies. Been really busy with university applications and stuff. No, i haven't apply for anything yet. I'm just getting all my chosen universities down into a list and slowly going through it one by one to look for the perfect one.

My mind is really in a blur and uncertain mode all this whole week and i hate it. I see so many wonderful places to study and i just can't settle my mind to just one!

Urgh! It's getting very frustrating. Considering i've been stuck at home for the past 2 months and my parents are starting to nag. They want me to get a job or at least attend some classes (preferably Mandarin classes my mom said). I want to get my mind straight and positive and certain and sure about which uni am i going to attend next year. I don't want anything to interfere my way. I know for a fact that once i start working and occupying myself, i'll put my uni queries aside and before i know it, i'll have no time at all to research and "be certain" with the uni.

Afraid? Yes, i am very much am.

Lazy? I'll try to deny this but yes, i am lazy too.

But mostly worried...

I'll try to update as frequent as i can. I've been very fashion-inspired these few days as well. Going through some fashion blogs like fashiontoast and lookbook. I've even posted some pictures up in my Tumblr to share with people. Mostly because i didn't want to print it out and waste paper, so to make sure i didn't lose the picture, i posted it somewhere.

I think this is the only post i've ever written that didn't include any pictures. That is such a crime!

Much better. Some random pictures of my dad's babies. He's a hi-fi freak. The speaker is probably almost the same age as me, if not older. It's even chipping and the stand is rusted but my dad refuse to replace it because it still works. And i appreciate that he's keeping it. The house needs something antique. (My mom hates antique. She thinks it's dirty and old.) I, for one, love antique and vintage stuff. :)

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