Friday, September 10, 2010

The Vamps are BACK!

From top left to right; Stefan (Paul Wesley), Elena/Katherine (Nina Dobrev), Damon (Ian Somerhalder),
Bonnie (Katerina Graham), Season 2 Promo Poster, Caroline (Candice Accola),
Jeremy (Steven McQueen), Matt (Zach Roerig), Jenna (Sara Canning)

My daily dose of Vampire Diaries is finally back! It's been 4 months since the first season ended. Now it is back with the second one, taking off where it was left in the final episode. Based on all the trailers and promos, the whole first episode was built entirely around Katherine - the evil and strong vampire who turned both Damon and Stefan. They are of course the main characters in the show together with Elena, who is in fact a human that looks exactly like Katherine. If you have yet to know, the story evolves around these characters.

It seems like i just describe every main character in the show. I won't take it any further cuz if i do, this blog post will defeat its purpose. :)

Just go watch it if you haven't... Be warn, the content below contain SPOILERS. So, if you are a fan and haven't watch it, scroll away now.


Anyway, the comeback episode was predictable yet exciting. I knew that Katherine will try to tear the brothers apart (Damon and Stefan are brothers and yes, they are vampires too. One good and the other evil.)  and i knew Elena was going to be a part of that fuse. What i didn't predict was, Katherine saying that she didn't love Damon one bit and that she loves Stefan. Personally, i think she said that because she wanted Damon to hate Stefan, besides, i don't think she is even capable of loving someone. If Damon hates Stefan, you know one will kill another. They are in fact vampires. What occurs to me is, why? Why does she want to tear those brothers apart so badly? Is there another reason for her return?

Elena & Stefan. (Katherine has curly hair, Elena has straight)
Damon & Stefan

It was a great disappointment that they didn't cover the part of Tyler having the whole scary eyes thing in Season 1. I was hoping to know why and how come but i guess that will be covered in the later part of the series. The least they could do was drop ONE hint, right?

Tyler & Uncle Mason

The last scene was definitely a shocker and it made everything more blurry for Katherine's return. She killed Elena's friend, Caroline. I hope she's not gone for good. Caroline was a love-to-hate character and it will be sad if she's gone just like that.

I just can't wait to see what happen in the next episode.

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