Monday, September 13, 2010

Malacca PhotoDiary

If you ask me what is one thing that hasn't change one bit, i would say Malacca (Melaka). Why? I remember the Malacca town when i was just a little kid in pigtails, hopping around in my lacy dress (Yes, it's a fashion crime), while my mom and dad called out for me to slow down. Weather? Exceptionally HOT. Population? Exceeding the state capacity. Traffic? The whole of China came over.

Flash-forward to two-thousand ten, weather? Global warming steaming hot. Population? Overloaded to the maximum capacity. Traffic? World domination.

I would know cuz i just came back from there yesterday. Stayed for one night at a hotel. Oh, don't get me started with the hotel! I'm considering on writing a post about it. Anyway, i didn't get to take much pictures. Here's what i got.

We spent RM100++ on the souvenirs above. They really know how to burn tourists' pockets. Even non-tourists like me. *Big frown*

Stay tune for more Malacca-related posts (Food, hotel, tips... etc...).


  1. Omigosh, I laughed so hard at your two first paragraphs.

    Especially this phrase: Population? Exceeding the state capacity. Traffic? The whole of China came over.


    Btw, great photos Vien!
    Your photography skill is definitely improving!
    and I can actually see the heat in the photos!
    Don't you think that this year's weather is way hotter than last year's?

  2. thanks.. and yes, the weather is definitely getting hotter each year. This spells, G-L-O-B-A-L W-A-R-M-I-N-G!
