Monday, February 14, 2011

Catching up and hot weather

This song is sooooo cute!

I'm sweating my armpits off! Ok, probably not the best introductory but it's seriously so hot that i can boil an egg out on the field right now. Sorry to those in the cold. Interchange for a day maybe? LOL. I could really use the chance to dress up in all the winter clothings.  (:

Today's apparently Valentine's Day. I never get the idea of why love is emphasize on a particular date. Isn't love eternity and celebrated everyday as long as both love each other? For me, it's just an excuse to splurge. Of course that would be worth the splurge and everything.

Enough of my bitterness on Valentine's day.

Here you go, the weirdest and cheesiest (and funny too) valentine card i found.

It sings. It moves. Perfect right?

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