Friday, December 31, 2010

Three hundred and sixty five days

My breakfast / branch with my sis at Toast Box. Love their Honey French Toast.
It's my mom's old guitar. Can't believe my grandmother still kept it.
Tong yuen! Translation: Glutenous Rice Balls. It's a dessert eaten on a Chinese Festival.
I don't know what the festival is called.
Clothes (and lots of them) in the office! 

I feel like a caveman. I'm serious. I'm losing my sense of everything technology. My phone has officially gone koo-koo. Like it has a life of its own. It turns off by itself. It goes blank for no reason. It goes to camera mode even when i didn't touch it. And my contact list tends to go missing, which gives me a 5 second panic attack. Do you know what will happen if i lose all my friends' number? Technology number 2 that is probably aging me faster is Astro. It's going bananas. Sometimes the smartcard can't be detected so, the whole TV screen goes blank. Just imagine yourself watching an exciting show and *BOOM*...... blank.....   =.='''

Don't even get me started on the internet. It left me with a lot of unread feeds on Facebook.

My week so far has been good and bad. Good because i got to spend time with my sista, shopping. Bad because i'm so sore from work and i don't have enough sleep! I called-in sick for work on Wednesday because i had a terrible migraine. But i end up tagging along with my sis and her friend, Pei Ling to One Utama. They were both looking for New Year clothing (I have mine settle halfway).

Today is New Year's Eve! I just turned down 2 invitations to celebrate new year. A BBQ party and the usual firework watching.

Should i really give up my social life for sleep?

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