Monday, December 20, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

Is it me or is it extremely cold today? I think i'm falling sick. I woke up with a lump in my throat. Well, at least it felt that way. I'm trying to avoid eating too much today cuz it hurts every time i swallow (even gulping down warm honey lime juice). Can you imagine being bedridden during Christmas week? Gahhhhh............. pass me more honey lime juice! And a Panadol!

A-n-y-w-a-y, congrats to the happy couple yesterday - my brother-in-law's twin brother got married yesterday to his long-time girlfriend. They met around the same time as my sis and her now 'husband'. *blush* Did i mention they were childhood friends? My sister and her husband i mean.

The dinner started really late. The card stated 6.30pm but the food came out at 9.30ish. Malaysian timing, need i say more? I love weddings (like you don't know already), but i felt quite alienated yesterday. Like i don't belong there at all. We (mom, dad, gramps) were seated with some uncles-aunties that we don't know of. But that was least the problem. It just felt awkward - somehow. Haha. Whatevs. I'm just grateful to be invited since i don't really get the opportunity to go to such "grand" event.

Oh ya, what did i finally decided to wear? After hours of digging through my small closet (i shall one day have a walk-in closet), i settled on a shear pink top with skinnies and added a 70s twist with white pearls (vintage, was a hand-me-down from my babysitter). And 3 and a half inch heels that spells - K-A-K-I  S-A-K-I-T.

1 comment:

  1. love your outfit!
    should wear like this when we hang out! wooo~
