Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kite Runner

I spotted this book called The Kite Runner and i thought it had a great ring to it. It's a book written by Khaled Hosseini - an Afghan-born American author. I have yet to read it cuz i don't usually buy books. My mom have this theory where books goes to waste after you read it. She rather have me rent books instead of buying them. So, when people hear that i love to read, they ask me what books i have, i'll have to explain this "theory" to them. Sad really. The only book collection that i have (and quite proud of) is my Harry Porter book collection. :)

Those are my babies. I hate the movies tho. I got the first and second book from my mom's long-time pen-pal in Australia. At that time, Harry Porter was an unknown name to many.

Anyways... There's another book that i'm yearning to read. It's called The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. They're making it into a movie. But nothing beats your own imagination from a book. Right?

I hate myself for not taking my "baby" out for field-trips nowadays. My camera that is. Because i'm occupied with stuff ("work"), i have no time to go out and snap pictures anymore! *cries*

This helped me through the day, honestly...

I took some pictures of yummy food last Friday. Had dinner with fam at Italiannies. What suck was i didn't feel well after a while.

Pictures taken with my 3.2 megapixel camera phone (edited a lil' bit). Like i said, didn't have the chance to take my baby for field-trips.


  1. Oh I spot flats! How much are they? ;D
    Ooh! Both the books are on my Must-Read list too!
    High 5!

  2. *high 5 back*
    which flats? the first picture is rm49 or rm49.90. the second picture is rm29 (but no size - it's only display)
