Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Me ♥ U all!

As promised, here's the update of my big two-zero birthday.

Note: Image loaded post. 
(didn't bother to edit it much [u can still spot my pimple :P ] just adjust the brightness and sprinkle a lil' vintage feel cuz u know... i'm old)

Not going to blog much cuz i'm not really in a blogging mood. More of sleeping mood. (Considering a tiring day before and another tiring day tomorrow.) All i can say is, it was a total surprise and i had noooooooo... idea whatsoever.

My fav picture of us. She made all of it happen.
Thank you! Sayang u betul!


JonJon! Thanks for the balloons and CD! :D

Yeah... KarLing and her "peace" sign

The cake's coming!
(Oh. And u see that guy sitting behind Jon in yellow? He's been staring all night. Creepy.....)

They force me to lick the cake off the candle. And there goes the whole table
saying "Lick, lick, lick", no matter how wrong it sounded.

All the awesome dearies! (Where's KayJun?)

Best birthday EVER! Thanks guys. Much love to every single one of you (including WhengChung's i-forgot-their-names friend).


  1. Hahahaha!
    Awwww... Me sayang you lots too!
    Btw, I didn't know about the yellow shirt guy!
    Did you wave bye to him when we left?

  2. omg.... nooooo... why would i do that? haha!
