Friday, September 17, 2010

What uncertainty?

This is how i currently feel. It sucks.

I'm not going to blog very long today because i'm kinda tired. Was out the whole day, getting some stuff done. Serious stuff.

Although i had a nice pleasant lunch / tea (considering it was already 4pm). That was the best part of the whole "running-up-and-down-day". I'll probably blog about the new eatery soon. But don't get too caught up with my words. I'm still trying to get started with my Malacca post that i promised. Boo me...

Anyways, the following Friday's gonna be my sister's "trying-on-gowns" day. I'm super excited! She's gonna be a beautiful bride. I put my bet on that.

AND... I just finished with the second episode of Vampire Diaries (Season 2). Spoiler alert! Caroline didn't die! But she "turn", which is rather sad.

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