Thursday, September 9, 2010

On Runway Only

Ask me anything about fashion, i'll probably give you, "Errr.....". And a very long "err". I'm not noob (A word i learnt from my college mates. It means stupid.) when it comes to fashion. I have a few knowledge up my sleeves. I know what looks good and what doesn't.

Okay, maybe i'm no fashion guru like some people. But i'm still a girl. Who haven't had people stared down at for her fashion sense. So, that's a good thing right?

I've seen some ridiculous fashions on the runway and I personally think IT-IS-OUTRAGEOUS. And, i don't even mean that in a good way.

This "fabulous" claw stilettos was designed by the late Alexander McQueen. He, of all designers i know off, is one outrageous designer and he is known for that. May his soul rest in peace, this pair of footwear looks really... painful. Some models even refused to wear it. I guess only Lady GaGa can pull something like that off. Oh wait! She already did - in her Bad Romance music video.

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And you think that footwear was crazy? See what Chanel can do...

I am silently thinking to myself, what happens when it break? Does it come with a switch to "light" it up? It is however, very creative and it looks wearable. I might actually wear it for the sake of the brand but i would not risk wearing it to pasar malam (night market). I might break a heel or two. LMAO.

Oh! Now they want to promote violence in fashion? Creative? Yes. Crazy? Definitely YES. For the ladies, when a man ask you where you keep your guns, you know where to tell him. Not forgetting, they just gave the real criminals a new place to "hide" their guns.

Maybe i'm being a little too skeptical. Or maybe i'm just being - Realistic?

Here are more crazy fashion you can only see on a runway... worn by paid models. [HERE]

Here's one guy who doesn't mind, as long as he gets paid.

That's... errrrrrm... sexy? ROFL!

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