Wednesday, September 1, 2010

500 Days in 95 Minutes

When it comes to movies, i am an epic failure. It takes me years and years till i watch a movie or until it shows on Astro (my country's local satellite TV). Or else, i will never watch it even though i so wanted to watch it when it first came out. Don't believe me? Well, i think i am the only breathing human being that hasn't watch Avatar. The movie that has blue people in it? Yes, the very same, my friends.

What did i tell you, i'm a failure when it comes to movies.

Just a day ago, i watched this movie called (500) Days of Summer. This movie is making it to my top list of favourite movies. Why? Because it is awesome.

It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. I must say they make a very cute couple. Really.

If you follow my Tumblr account, you would know i posted a picture of Mr.Gordon-Levitt. I fell for him in the movie Inception. But lets put that aside. This blog doesn't need another of my "oh-my-gawd-he-is-so-hot" post.

This movie is a romantic comedy. Melodrama to be specific. So for the males, you'll call it a chick flick. Long story short, it is basically about a guy who believes in true love and a girl who doesn't. He falls for her. She wants nothing but a casual relationship. They ended after a while. Guy still loves her but finds out she got married with another dude. A shocker for someone who doesn't believe in true love isn't it? That's what i thought too.

For the whole movie, i really thought it would be like another 50 First Dates kinda movie. I thought that they would separate but he will somehow win her back. Yes, predictable. But that's normally how a romantic comedy end isn't it? I was wrong... Boo me.

He didn't of course. But that's okay. The whole movie had really funny witty jokes. Cute witty jokes. And it breaks through for those who doesn't believe in true love.

Image from fanpop, credited to paperedglory.

Two thumbs up for this movie. Oh, by the way... this movie was out in 2009 and was shown on Astro couple of times but i missed it. So, double boo me.


One of my favourite scene in the movie is the Ikea scene. Tom, who plays the main character, and Summer who, well, Tom likes, was shopping in Ikea and they treated it like their home. And in one scene Tom and Summer laid on one of the display-beds and Tom said...

"Darling, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a Chinese family in our bathroom".

L.O.L. And true enough, there was a Chinese family staring at both of them on the bed.

At the end of the movie, you'll probably say, "Hmm... what's faith and true love?".

I believe in it... Do you?

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