Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Promise oneself but broken

Taken by yours truly at my house.

Promises are hard to deliver. Don't you think? I was heading back from college one day and i saw this couple arguing. How did i know they were arguing? The girl seem to be explaining something to the guy and the guy had his arms crossed. Sounds like some Chinese drama isn't it? Maybe i was wrong about them arguing. But what crossed my mind that time was that, "the girl must have cheated on that dude...". Maybe she did. Maybe she didn't. Promises is indeed hard to keep. You might mean it at that time but as time goes by, the promise is like stale bread - it's there but you don't want to touch it.

And come to think of it, I've probably made thousand of promises and only half of it was kept till today. Darn, now i'm making myself feel bad. The worst part is, I can't even remember most of the promises i made.

Can you? Can you remember your last promise you made to someone?

I guess it's not worth trying to remember old promises. What's forgotten, is forgotten for a reason. Right? Why not make new promises and this time, try to remember it?

  1. I promise to clean my room after my exam.
  2. I promise to call my old friends out for "yam cha".
  3. I promise to remember to hug my parents every now and then.
  4. I promise to help someone in need.
  5. I promise to sew back my torn shirt.
  6. I promise to put all my sister's wedding pictures into a CD (she's chasing me for it like crazy).
  7. I promise to make something special for my sister's wedding gift.
  8. I promise to be a good daughter.
  9. I promise to be a good friend.
  10. I promise to be a good person. :)

I dunno what i was thinking.
Rock concert maybe? XD

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