Sunday, June 20, 2010

Holiday at the High Lands of Cameron

"I want a holiday!" and i finally got it -- after 5 years. Here's some pictures taken. Oh! By the way, there were a total of 450+ pics in my camera. Here are some of the good ones.

Cameron Highlands, Pahang. That what the place is called.

One of the many tea plantation hills.

Boh Tea Plantation Tea House.

Chocolate Cake!

Sponge cake.


Shopping time!

Shopping at market...

Honey Bee Combs.

Cameron Highlands' specialty? It wouldn't be Cameron Highlands without this... STRAWBERRIES!

Now... Random shots...

Whole lots of keychains... 

I saw this on the way to the Rose Garden. It's cob webs!

My dad's hand.

Comment book outside Boh Tea Plantation Factory.
Some people are just plain idiots.

One last shot of Cameron before I left...


And one last ONE!
Awesome chill in a awesome weather. (:

Want to know more about Cameron Highlands (Malaysia)? Click here. Or here (Wikipedia).

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