Monday, January 24, 2011

Chic Pop: Street Market 6

Tissues? Check! Round and weird looking pills? Check! Mr.Snuggle (pillow)? Check! I-will-never-wear-those-in-public socks? Check! PJs? Check! Yeah, please, go ahead and make my week miserable, Mr. Flu. My week before CNY is ruin by a little something-something called virus. If i'm not mistaken, i was sick before Christmas too. Now, that really makes me irritated. Great timing virus!

Complaints aside (and also the fact that my voice sounds like an old horse), i had a pretty satisfying weekend. I finally attended Chic Pop Street Market. I remember not being able to go to the previous one. Luckily this time around, my mom wanted to go too. Honestly, i wasn't the only girl on planet that desperately wanted to go try their luck in a pot of fashion. It was hot and over-crowded with people which resembles a little bit like our Malaysian pasar malam (night market). Girls (and guys) were pushing their way through the crowd while i just wanted to stop somewhere so that i can at least get to look at things. But i do have to say, everyone there looks pretty well dressed up.

Lava looking through a fabulous rack of clothes.
 Fortunately, after a few toe-stepping battle and queues to the fitting room, me and my mom didn't leave empty handed (and our toes still intact).

Will look forward to the future street market.

Take 1. Take 2. Take 3.

P.S.: There goes my second roll of tissue paper.