Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chic Pop: Street Market 5

This sucks! Last week i was all excited to go to Chic Pop Street Market, when my mom dragged me to go see the dentist with her. Disappointed but nevertheless, i shrug off the disappointment. But today, i see pictures of the street market from Tongue in Chic website, i feel like i missed out in a whole lot!

There were 30 over vendors selling mouth-watering goodies and girl's worst weakness - CLOTHES, SHOES, BAGS! When i say mouth-watering, i don't mean edible stuff. It means that when you see it, you'll either drool or nose-bleed. Yes, it's like watching porn. Except this is fashion porn.


All i can say now is - Please, please, pretty please have another street market!!!

More pictures & info here. (Pictures credited to Tongue in Chic)

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