Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bright spoofs

Spoof is a word to describe mocking or imitating of someone/something, usually to make fun and humour. Also known as parody. No, i'm not trying to make this blog a dictionary site. Besides, there are tons of spoofs/parodies on YouTube itself. Some offensive. Some drop-dead hilarious.

How's December so far? Well, despite blogging from my room right now in a very uncomfortable state (sitting on the edge of the bed with my laptop on the chair), December has been quite joyous. Christmas is coming!!! Oooyaaa.... Christmas shopping! *jumps on bed*

Ok, my attempt to be enthusiastic is a total failure. Somewhere along the past years, i've lost my excitement for Christmas. Maybe because i don't celebrate Christmas officially. Same thing, i don't celebrate Deepavali or Hari Raya or Hanukkah. (Note: I'm not a free-thinker)

But! (There's always a 'but') I love every bit of everything in my December so far.

Here's just some random December pictures i took.

An awesome Malaysian delicacy - Roti Tisu. Direct translation, tissue bread. I bugged my parents to have 'mamak' for dinner. And it when on for 2 weeks. Quote from my mom, "You are worst than a pregnant woman!".

Subway sandwiches and soft-dough cookies! Me love..... ♥

Lavinia! Her adorable new hair cut.

This is what happens to the receipt when left on the table unattended. Itchy hands like mine will make something weird out of it. In this case, a heart shape. That's not weird right?

A new accessory i got from Shopiesta, an online blogshop. Love it so much.

Gahh.... sort of have a new obsession. No thanks to Lava. Just this past Friday, me, Lava, and Karmun got ourselves a sing-your-heart-out therapy (karaoke). And no one actually warn me that it works. Same goes as no one told me how addictive it can get. Mun made it a yearly tradition. 10th of December every year! I look forward to it........

I know exactly what you're thinking. Totally random. This was my attempt to burn (no, not literally) 2 DVDs. If you followed my tweets, you probably already know that. It's actually my sister's pre-wedding video aka photoshoot session. And God only knows what happened, the damn burner wouldn't let me copy it! It's not exactly piracy........ right? Anyways, i got it copied after 2 hours of war. Applause to me.

The remaining days of December awaits!

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