Saturday, December 4, 2010

Beautiful awakening

Ok. I'll try to make this as short and sweet as possible. I'm currently experiencing a really bad tummy ache now. Sucks. Anyway, i think my cholesterol level is rising like monkeys stealing bananas. Which means, fast. Partly (no, i'm lying. it's entirely because of this.), it's because i haven't been exercising much lately. Usually i walk up staircases to burn calories but these few months, i haven't encounter any flight of stairs yet.

Hah! There's one outside my house.

Someone need to whip me like Jillian Michaels or maybe a gorilla chasing after me... ?

My family and i celebrated my dad's birthday yesterday. Had a nice formal sit-down dinner at the Curve. It was also the first time or first birthday celebrated with my new brother-in-law (officially). Must be nice for my dad (and mom). Somehow, everything felt like it was arranged nicely for us. We had clear Friday traffic to the mall (trust me, having clear roads in Malaysia, especially on a Friday night, is a miracle). We got a nice table at the restaurant. And my dad had to pee before the food came, which means, gave us time to order a cake. :)

The total bill was jaw-dropping but as long as the Big-Boy enjoyed himself, i'm happy.

^%&* Stupid candle. I went everywhere to find a one-piece "Happy Birthday" candle,
which i found at a Japanese shop. Thanks Lavinia for tagging along and not complaining.

L.O.V.E my family.

My mom's treat to my dad. Somehow, i drank 1/3 of it. :P

Poor thing. But silly for illegally parking where everyone could see.

Yeh! Christmas is coming! Any plans?

(Pictures taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZR3. Edited.)

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