Friday, August 20, 2010

Should i or should i not?

Recently my hands are getting itchier than ever. Some girls may know what i mean. Yes, Shopping it is. Because of not being able to get out of the house these few days, i needed to feed those itchy hands with some satisfaction. Okay. Now my hands sounds like some psychosis and has a mind on its own. Maybe it is just me.

So what did i do while i had the whole house to myself? Online shopping. Ahh... I'm guilty as charge here. From clothes to shoes to makeup. In, out, top, bottom, Everything!

I found this picture in my Facebook.

My previous experience of shopping online was a disaster. However, now more experience and alert, i know what to avoid and what is a total steal.

I found some amazing things! And the best part is, it is cheap and awesome! But i come to realize one thing. Most of them uses PayPal. Although some blogshop uses Maybank too.

PayPal seem to be a trustable site. I heard of it many years back and till now, i haven't heard of any bad service or cheating-money cases, etc. So is PayPal safe?

It's either them having good PR or they are really that good. After bleeding my eyes out with clothes online, i was an inch close to sign up for a PayPal account.

But... i didn't. Something tells me i shouldn't. Should i or should i not? That's the question. And not forgetting those precious treasures i found.

Help me with my misery... :'(

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