Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hey you!

I ain't perfect. And i am not saying i am. I took up photography not long ago. Many people are these days. It's like a trend now. To carry a DSLR around the neck wherever they go. I kinda feel like photography is losing its passion and ART. Not because more and more people are taking it up, but the fact that so little people are serious about it.

Just imagine this - A dude carrying a totally awesome-out-of-this-world Nikon camera and his pictures are so-so. Something my 3.2 mega-pixel camera phone can take.

I feel like yelling at that dude. "Your camera has way more potential than THAT!"

It's a waste, really.

Anyway, i'm still learning. So, forgive me for not having the perfect shot every time. I don't take all kinds of photographs. I take candid pictures of everyday life. In a proper term - Street photography. I love it cuz it's real, natural, and above all... it tells a STORY - life that is. :)

Ok, i got a little carried away with my whatever-you-call-it babbles. I just wanted to share a little personal favourite picture of mine. I took this 2 days after i got my camera. LOL.


Dearies, I won't be updating this blog for one week due to final exams. But stay tune after one week is over. :)


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