Thursday, February 24, 2011

O for "Awesome"

I dread having to wake up at 5am every morning now. Sometimes i wish i live just 2 seconds away from uni. Which reminds me of the conversation i had with a friend - how we just need to wake up 5 minutes before class, put on some clean clothes and lots of cologne/perfume and head for class. That's if we stay super near to wherever we're heading. But of course, i wouldn't want that either. It would be like being married to the university. No life! Like the saying goes, you win some, you lose some. So yeah, life's back in my, well... life. Spent the whole freaking week attending talks and more talks. Not complaining here. Orientation is great as it gives insight to a new place and environment. So far, i'm loving what i see. Finger crossed, hoping, and praying that the next 2 years will be one awesome ride.

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