Saturday, January 1, 2011

Notorious hello

Yay! It's my first post in year 2011! Ok, probably nothing exciting about that. I was spending my free time today reading my favourite blogs. Most of them started with "Happy New Year" or "It's my first post in the new year!". So, i thought maybe i should do that too. Cliche? Yeah, kinda.

Anyway, it's raining outside. I can hear the rain and wind hitting the glass window. It's basically dark in my room right now, so i can hardly see the letters on my laptop. Lazy to get up from my comfy spot on my bed to turn on the lights. Someone should really invent backlights for keyboards (I heard MacBook has something like that).

Yesterday was short but quite satisfying. Dinner was great with bestie Mun, Lavinia, and Mun's bf, Wayne. The only regret i had yesterday was not being able to stay for the countdown and fireworks. What other way to feel the utter excitement of a new year?

Lotsa Lava!!! Haha. Inside joke.

Looking at this picture made me realize we haven't been taking pictures together lately.

This pretty much sums up our day.
Curve flea market!

From the pictures, you can make out where we went for dinner -Bubba Gump @ Curve.

Didn't edit the pictures. I think it's best to leave it wholesome, real and original. Or rather, i ran out of ideas how i should edit them.

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