Saturday, December 25, 2010

Come down falling

Snow! I don't think i would ever want Malaysia to snow. Cuz that would just prove is happening. I did, however, touch fake snow yesterday. Oh, and it rained ice yesterday too. No kidding. Was in the car and it started pouring down and hit the car roof like gun shots. Luckily i wasn't walking while it happen. That would just make holes in my umbrella.

The decor at One Utama. My favourite Christmas decoration among all shopping malls.

Teddy tree!

Mr. Bones. He was friendly.

(Pictures taken with Panasonic DMC-ZR3.)

That is basically my photolog of my Christmas eve. Once again, Merry Christmas...

P.S.: I'm watching Lady GaGa TV special now. Yes, on Christmas day. Not your typical way of spending Christmas.

I said the word Christmas 5 times in this post. Six now. LOL.

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