Friday, November 19, 2010

The substitute

(a title taken from Glee's season 2, episode 7. I'm watching it now!!!)

Today, after a very long time, i finally get to sleep in! And yes, i'm proud of myself. The night before i was silently praying and had my finger cross that my boss wouldn't text me today. And she didn't. She's great and everything but i find she has this tendency of texting me the very last minute to fill in for the day. Honestly, i wouldn't mind if she would let me know at least 12 hours ahead - not 2 hours before. I freaking live in SA! And i don't freaking own a car!

Rite... My parents just went and came back from Singapore last weekend. For their long awaited honeymoon. My mom have been pestering my dad for yeaarrrrrsssss! Finally she got what she wanted. They came back and got me a shocking surprise. A new camera lens. You may think i was super happy and jumped with joy, i didn't. I was upset and sorta angry (cuz of personal family reasons). I specifically told them not to buy cuz i knew it was expensive. But... as stubborn as they are, they kept saying they had a good deal out of the sales guy. The worst part?

It's not even the lens i wanted. The sales guy apparently introduced them another type of lens that is somewhat cheaper than the one i requested. So, with a big bold statement on its invoice "Goods sold are not refundable or returnable.", i have to make use of what i got.

I'm still new to this whole photography thing so, i'm kinda figuring out how to work the lens perfectly. This lens has a very short focal length (it's a macro lens) - that means i have to be close to the subject to take a clear shot. And i can't be too close, otherwise it'll be blur. Needless to say, i'm still trying to work it out (aka i suck!)

Here's just a couple of sample shots i took with it. Not good at all.

NUTELLA! My current obsession /slash/ addiction!

I guess Henri Cartier-Bresson was right - your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.

P.S: Btw, i'm still grateful for it. It took me awhile to realize that.

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