Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rows of four

This week has been rather peaceful. Was expecting my boss's last minute calls but she hasn't given me any - yet. So, i had almost a week rest from weird customers and 9 hours of staring at the door for customers to walk in. My mom is asking me to quit cuz she's seen me physically tired everyday after work. But i am no quitter. If i can't survive this, how can i survive the shark-biting-no-sleeping-world of the mass media that i wish to be in some day?!

Besides, it's nice working there when i can meet strange people of all sort of shapes and sizes. One time, a lady with a cute little son walked in the store. The boy, probably about 3 to 5 years old, screamed and ran around the whole store while the mother was in the fitting room. Then when they were about to leave, the mom asked the boy to say thank you to me and my other colleague. Sounds cute right?


He called us "aunty". You can only imagine my expression that time. Am i aging that fast? I mean, i did just stepped onto the "Twos" boat last month!

Anyway, the boy reminded me of my cousin. Who runs, crawls, sometime walks, hops around the house while making loud noises with his toys, screams, and tantrums. He's eight.

(Another plus point about working there is the chances of bumping into cute guys at Starbucks or just about any makan places)

Was working the other day and i saw Henry Golding from 8TV. I wasn't sure it was him but he walked pass the store without looking in. I'm guessing he was going to grab himself some Starbucks. I must say, he has a lot of tattoos. On him arms especially. I've seen him once in person before. That was last year during the Maybelline New York Simply Fabulous finale show at Euphoria MOS. Yes, i'm like many girls that think he's good looking. A added bonus with that British accent. :)

I'm planning to take these few days to sleep and continue reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo book. Maybe when i'm done, i'll grab a few of my friends to go shopping! After i get my salary that is.

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