Sunday, October 24, 2010

In ma' birthday suit - not!

I'm in a self-absorb mood today. Hahahaha. My mom would probably say - "Aren't you always?". It's my birthday, yo. And i can safely say that this year is my best birthday. My god, i'm old. Yes, age is just a number but i can't help myself thinking about my younger days. Way back when i still had my diapers on.

Today (and yesterday) my mom and i had "the day you were born" conversation. You may think she started it but i was the one who asked her. You know, the usual stuff.

What time was i born.

Was i a stubborn baby.

What happen exactly at that time.

And, i just realize how aunty-ish i am now - asking soooo many questions. Looks like the age is really catching on.

I had the time of my life yesterday. The only thing that got me kinda wondering is how my bestfriend got behind my back with my MOM! My mother. The only woman i know that brought me to this world. And i had nooooo idea about it!


Thanks guys~!

(more updates later)

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