Friday, October 29, 2010

2 years gone by

This is the moment where "Oh My $%#$^&%$%@! Gosh" is suited best. After 2 and a half years of assignments, projects, good and terrible lecturers, awesome coursemates, tears, joy, sleepless nights, midnight oils, bus tickets, electricity used for computer..... I have finally graduate from my diploma!!! Like yeah............. I can't wait for another 2 years down the road for my degree. I want to throw the mortarboard (the square hat u wear on your head?) up in the air and do the star-jump like High School Musical.

I honestly have no idea what to expect today. All i know was that i need to get up freaking early to dress up, put some make-up on, and drive to the hotel. The day before was horrible. I felt like vomiting and had no appetite to eat. I was so close to telling my mom that i didn't want to go for the graduation ceremony today. Thank God, i got better in the morning (after popping 2 pills and 8 hours of sleep).  :D

Here's some pictures.. Hope the memories will last.

The empty hall, before the graduates came in.
I love the flowers and teddy bear! Thank u mom and dad.

All the smart looking lecturers and professors.

INTI Subang President, Mrs. Joyce Yuan.

Family pic!

Thank you all for the wonderful memories. Definitely won't forget. Let's all have an awesome of the awesomeness future ahead! :)

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