Monday, August 30, 2010

Au revoir but bonjour to new beginnings

2 things goes through my mind when i saw
this picture. First, I need to diet.
Second, i think i got a really bad sms.

It's official. I am officially announcing this here. No, i did not strike a million dollars. Although that would be freaking awesome if i did. I, would be the best, no, the greatest couch potato you ever seen in the history of couch potatoes!

Yeah, man...


I am finally done with my Diploma. That means i am one step closer to reality. Yes, reality. My couch potato-ness is not going to last very long. Soon, i'm off to uni to pursue my degree. But for now, it's just me, my tv, and the DVDs. *wink*

My friend once said this - You have zero knowledge until you actually start working. No matter how much you study.

Group shot in the exam hall. Right after the last paper!

That actually got to me. I do well in school and everything. So, does that mean i know nothing? What she said is really true though. Working is one whole different world. Getting a diploma or a degree is just a "passport" to get you into the "working world". Honestly, who wants that kind of passport? The "working world" sounds terrifying.

Camwhore shot. Sorry for the blurness. Got it off from Facebook.

But i guess this passport is "the" document to get you to the top. Money that is. Or to some, power.

I want neither one of them. Of course money is essential but i don't believe it is everything, like how some people say it is. I want LIFE. I want LOVE. And i want to just LIVE MY DREAM.

Somehow i am lucky to have a little bit of them. I get love from my family and friends. I get life from being stuck in the traffic jam (BOooo!). And i get to live my dream by studying my brains off till i get there.

My life doesn't suck that bad...

Oh! While it was my second day of couch potato-ness, I got to meet up with some pals. I miss them lotz!

From left to right : EePing, Lavinia, Joyce, KarMun, "Me", and LayAnn

It looks like a sausage!

Mun! What's with that face? :(

This picture is priceless. Look at our expression! Haha!
3D! We were about to watch Step Up 3.
Note: This is just an advertisement. Not an actual scene in the movie.

To my lovely college mates, i love you guys and let's go hang out sometime.
To my longest friends ever, i want to watch another movie!

P.S.: Pictures credited to EePing, LayAnn, and Collie. Sorry for the graininess and blurness.

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