Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cupcake Date With Besties

I was considered lucky today because i got to sleep a little longer than usual. Instead of the usual 6.10am, i woke up at 9am. A total of 9 hours of sleep. YEH!

Before i forget again, here are a few pictures i took during a cupcake date with Mun and Lava. Yes, i admit. I forgot about the pictures until i read Mun's blog. Sorry...

Looking at them reminded my about 2 things:-

The CUPCAKES of course.

The lomography camera (lomo cam) they sell! If i remember correctly, they are selling at RM427. A little more pricier than i thought. If you have yet to find out, i'm a lomo freak! I love lomography effect. Lomography is an old-skool kind of snapshot that has over-saturated colours (This part, i Google-d it) with a some dark edges at the side.

Actually i can simply create lomo effect onto any ordinary picture just by using Photoshop but i feel it's not as natural as the real thing.

Here's some example that i did:

Lomo effect

Original picture

You can Google the techniques. It's really simply, even for no experience Photoshop users. :)

Ok, i got a little carried away with my darling lomo talk. Here are the snapshots of the lovely cupcakes...

Don't be silly, i didn't have all 6 of the cupcakes.


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